BONES! Our deepest support system
We often talk about our muscles, and the strength and flexibility we develop through exercise, but how often do we stop and appreciate the incredible support system that holds us all together, shaping our magnificent upright stance? Yes, I’m talking about OUR BONES!
Let’s take a peek into the incredible world of bones and why they are key to our stability, strength and growth in our quest for fitness empowerment.
Not Just a Pretty Shape
Bones provides your structure and form. Think of them as the scaffolding that supports the masterpiece that is your body. Without your bones, your body would collapse into the ground! They protect our organs and support our muscles, and although they’re relatively light, their strength and structure support your body weight. The bones in our skulls create the shape of our face and protect our brain!
Did You Know That Bones..
🦴 Store and release the majority of minerals in your body like calcium
🦴 Are made up of connective tissue or fascia
🦴 House bone marrow, the internal factory that produces red, white and platelet blood cells in your body
🦴 Are part of the endocrine system
🦴 Send out messages for “how we feel’ to other parts of the body
Ever hear the expression “I can feel it in my bones”. That’s actually pretty accurate as our bones are sending messages through hormones to the brain!
Motion is Lotion
Our bones work with our muscles and joints in our musculoskeletal system to hold our body together and support our ability to move freely. Without motion our joints would dry up, and MOVEMENT provides the lubrication we need to keep things flowing.
Building up and Breaking down
Our bones are in a constant state of breaking down bone with cells called osteoclasts; and then filling in and growing new bone cells called osteoblasts. As we grow older, our bones often get weaker as there may be greater osteoclast (or breaking down) than osteoblast (or building up) activity. This is an important gateway to understanding Osteoporosis or Osteopenia, conditions characterized by reduced bone mass and bone density and increased fracture risk.
A Quick Look: Osteoporosis or Osteopenia
A few years back, I discovered that I have Osteoporosis. As you can imagine, this has deepened my interest in the topic. I have been following the latest research on this condition, and will share some of the new and important ways to deal with Osteoporosis in a future blog!
Osteopenia is a loss of bone mass or mineral density. Without treatment, it can progress to Osteoporosis, a serious condition when the bone mass decreases further and reflects an increase in fracture risk. Bone fractures as we age can be life threatening, particularly if you fall and break a hip.
Although frequently connected with postmenopausal women, both osteoporosis and osteopenia also affect men and younger populations. It is estimated that half of all females, and 1 in 4 males over 50 have osteoporosis. Studies have also found that 1 in 3 adults over 50 who don’t have osteoporosis yet, do have some degree of reduced bone density.
Exercise and Nutrition are EVERYTHING!
Pharmaceutical medications aside, exercise is without a doubt the best way we can get stronger bones and muscle. Exercises focusing on strength, flexibility and balance are key. In my class, we grow bone resilience through RESISTANCE and IMPACT. Essentrics uses the body’s limbs as natural weights employing muscular tension and release to strengthen bones. As we eccentrically contract our muscles to lift our arms and legs, we are strengthening our bones too.
Calcium and vitamin D are important supplements in a balanced diet that help contribute to the overall health of your bones. Treat your bones, diet and workouts with dedication, and you'll create a solid support system.
Celebrate Every Step
Strengthening our bones is an important focus of my teaching. Let’s do what we can now to keep our bones healthy as they shape us and our lives. Join me in class as we strengthen our bones in your new, strong and most flexible version of yourself.
Embrace this journey as a practice and empower yourself!
Look out for a future blog on Osteoporosis and Osteopena! These conditions need attention and can be addressed when you engage n the right program of exercise and nutrition.