Transform your life through movement and breath.

Transform your body by first BELIEVING that YOU CAN!

My name is Diane and I am a dancer, teacher and your guide to healing and cultivating your best self!

Essentrics® is one of the most effective forms of exercise, safe for all ages and all body types. I offer both Strength, Stretch & Breathe classes which create rapid changes in your body shape and posture; and Aging Backwards® classes, a gentler option for those who have been or are recovering from injuries, surgeries or experience chronic pain.

All classes activate your body's potential for self healing, re-balance your muscles and stimulate every cell in your body to create more energy and boost your immune system. Group and private sessions are available.

Group and Private Classes in Essentrics®

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping

Tapping, based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology, is a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues. The basic technique begins with focus on the negative emotion or unresolved challenge in the form of fear, worry or a bad memory. By tapping on specific meridian points in the body, we focus on this issue sending a calming message to the brain. This allows you to feel relaxed in control and open to change.

strengthen your body and feel younger!

Feel better, get stronger, have more energy, lengthen and